Season Fees
Questions about the registration process? Please refer to our tryout page.
It is anticipated that limited movement among teams will occur. With our goal to help each player develop to their highest potential, we will make an effort to ensure that the right players are on the right teams, and that team level and competition matches the players' technical and athletic development level.
When you accept your place on your team, you accept a place in the club and may be moved up or down, depending upon club or team needs, or based on individual skill level and personal development. If you are initially placed with a team and then moved up or down to a different team, there will be NO REFUNDS should you disagree or be unhappy with the movement.
If fees are a financial concern for you, please take time to learn about our scholarship program.
Additional tournament fees will be collected throughout the season once a coach & the team decides on the tournaments that will best suit them.
Most tournaments cost between $75-$125 per player and do not include any travel expenses.
Each new player will be required to purchase a uniform kit. Once your child has been assigned his or her number from the club, they will be required to keep that number as they progress with the club. This will eliminate the issues that come from duplicate numbers on a team.
Additional information on uniforms can be found here.
- $100 tournament registration fee (the exact fee depends on the actual tournament)
- $25 for out of state insurance
This includes any and all fees for participation, tournament, or uniform fees. Once a player has accepted a place on a team, other players may be cut from that team and the team is counting on each player's commitment. Once you accept your place on a team, there will be no refunds issued for any payments that have been made.

The Upper Valley Soccer Foundation Scholarship program is focused on affording underprivileged or needs based youth the opportunity to train, develop and play youth soccer. It is intended as a financial assistance program for those applicants and families requiring temporary assistance for the period to be established by the Scholarship Committee which may not exceed more than one season (fall or spring) after which time the applicant and their family will need to reapply for scholarship benefits.
The UVSF Scholarship Committee reserves the right to reassess an applicant’s scholarship at its discretion to address any changes in eligibility or conditions in an applicant or their family's status which may result in the termination or modification of the condition of the applicant’s scholarship.
Candidates must:
- Must have received an invitation to play for a UVSF team
- Demonstrate financial need
The Scholarship Committee of the Upper Valley Soccer Foundation selects scholarship recipients each season (fall and spring). Recipients will receive notification of their selection via e-mail, phone or personal communication.
There are no full scholarships. UVSF will not grant full scholarships as it is essential to ensure the applicant and their family has some financial involvement to ensure that the appropriate level of focus and commitment to soccer is maintained for the entire season. Each family must pay the acceptance fee with their application. In addition, the applicant and their family are responsible for all expenses not covered by the scholarship.
Applicants and their family must submit:
- The Scholarship Application along with the acceptance fee.
- Note of why they are requesting aid and the approximate amount per month that they can afford to pay.